
"Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ."
-Acts 28:31

We are a Christian lifestyle brand offering faith-based products and community. Infinity 360 means expressing our faith without bounds (infinitely), everywhere we turn (360).



Join our Infinity 360 Community where we encourage each other to be bold and boundless in our faith.


We want to help you incorporate your faith into everyday life through our faith inspired products. Our brand is dedicated to helping Christians intentionally proclaim to the world that they belong to Christ.

A story from our founder

How It Started

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I was at a work lunch, and just before we began to eat, one of my co-workers looked down at his food. Another co-worker laughed and said, “I thought you were about to pray.” I sat quietly in confusion, wondering why it would have been bad if he had prayed. The guilt and conviction set in because I realized I should’ve spoken up. After all, I am a Christian and usually pray before I eat, except this time, I was so caught up in everything happening that I hadn’t. I realized I had worked there for years and couldn’t recall explicitly saying I was saved. It wasn’t something that I had done intentionally, but maybe that was the problem.

As the years went by, every time I thought of that moment at lunch, I was ashamed of myself for sitting silently and not sharing my faith. It was rare that I knowingly encountered non-believers, so I never prepared myself for that moment. After all, most places I worked before then were Christian companies.

God eventually led me to leave that company and pursue entrepreneurship. I had started a few businesses, and while most didn’t make it very far, I had finally got it right, or so I thought. I was running two businesses at the time that seemed to be promising. Then one day, God spoke to me. It was so clear that there was no way I could deny it. All this time, I prayed for God to make my businesses successful and order my steps. Finally, here He was, answering my prayers. Except, it wasn’t at all what I was expecting. He wanted me to shut down my other companies and start a brand new one that glorifies Him. Another moment where God was testing me. Had I learned my lesson? Yes. 

Without question, I took the opportunity God had given me to dive head-first into my calling and tell others about Him. I had mistakenly denied Him before but knew better than to do it again. God continued to reveal the purpose He had for me. He wanted me to encourage others to be bold in their faith so they wouldn’t sit silent as I did. He put Infinity 360 on my heart, and I hope to touch others’ hearts through it.



Infinity 360